魂蛋三明治 Eggstatic
Feb 25, 2022

魂蛋三明治 Eggstatic



Introducing an ever familiar and satisfying appetizer, the eggstatic sandwich. Eggs on toast in its much anticipated vegan form. Perfect to serve & enjoy at room temperature, this ‘egg’ salad has a devilishly deceiving creamy & fluffy texture. Made of pasta dough reaching its full potential, dyed with anti-inflammatory spices (ie: turmeric) and basked in vitamin packed sunflower seed oil for an incredibly delicious and hearty treat to comfort and satisfy.

*杜卡是一種發源於埃及的綜合香辛料 ,採用天然的堅果和調味料製成。
*Dukkah is an egyptian condiment of herbs, spices and nuts

Anna的蛋沙拉食譜 (約八小份)



義大利粗麵 250g
鷹嘴豆 一罐
薑黃粉 一茶匙
鹽或黑鹽 兩茶匙
黑胡椒粒 兩茶匙
黃芥末 兩大匙
蘋果醋 兩大湯匙
豆漿 250g
葵花籽油 180ml
蔥 40g
洋蔥 100g


1. 將義大利麵煮到軟,放涼。
2. 將鷹嘴豆罐頭的水份瀝乾。加入薑黃粉、鹽、楓糖、黃芥末、豆漿、葵花籽油,使用食物調理機攪打至均勻滑順。
3. 將洋蔥、蔥切碎。
4. 將煮好的義大利麵放入食物調理機中切碎。
5. 準備一個大碗,放入打碎的義大利麵、鷹嘴豆泥、洋蔥、蔥,攪拌均勻。
6. 將炒蛋放在麵包、烤土司上就完成這道魂蛋三明治了!

Anna’s Recipe

100ml of Soy milk = 3.3g of protein

This recipe serves 8 with bread


- 250g uncooked thick pasta noodles
- 1 can of Chickpea
- 1tsp Turmeric
- 2tsp Black salt
- 1tsp Black pepper
- 2T Yellow mustard
- 2T apple cider vinegar
- 250ml Soy milk
-180ml Sunflower seed oil
40g green onion
100g yellow onion
*allium free option available with a replacement of the green & yellow onions with parsley.


1. Cook the pasta until tender, set aside and let cool
2. Drain the chickpeas, add it into a blender, along with turmeric, black salt, maple syrup, yellow mustard, soy milk and sunflower seed oil. Blend until smooth.
3. Finely chop the green onion and yellow onion.
4. Add the cooked pasta into a food processor, pause a few times to chop up the noodles.
5. In a big bowl, combine the chopped noodles, sauce, chopped onions and toss well.
6. Serve on sliced bread or toasted bread.

【客座主廚 Anna Baum (Hanseasian)】
▶點此前往 Hanseasian instagram

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