濃郁海怪三明治 Kreamy Kraken Sandwich
Mar 30, 2022

濃郁海怪三明治 Kreamy Kraken Sandwich



A vegan’s twist on ‘salmon’ provides a light, refreshing, and cured carrot sandwich. Cashew cream cheese and revitalizing cucumbers offer the layered flavors every sandwich enthusiast raves about. Mashed avocado, seasoned and sprayed with lemon juice to appease the morning needs. A monstrous feat even the Kraken respects.

Anna的私房食譜 (兩份)

100g酪梨 = 2g蛋白質


紅蘿蔔 一條
醬油 50g
橄欖油 兩大匙
煙燻紅椒粉(甜) 一小匙
檸檬汁 一大匙
龍舌蘭酒 一小匙
乾燥蒔蘿 一小匙
麵包 兩片
純素奶油乳酪 兩大匙
蔥 40g
小黃瓜片 少許
酪梨醬 兩大匙


1. 將紅蘿蔔削成約1mm薄片。放入1L滾水加入50ml醬油,煮15-20分鐘直到紅蘿蔔變軟。
2. 將橄欖油、煙燻紅椒粉、檸檬汁、龍舌蘭酒、海苔、乾燥蒔蘿拌勻。
3. 紅蘿蔔瀝乾放涼。將紅蘿蔔讓入香料中使其入味。
4. 將麵包烤至雙面微酥。
5. 將奶油乳酪醬(我們十分推薦腰果口味乳酪醬)、酪梨醬分別塗在麵包上。
6. 擺上調味過的紅蘿蔔及小黃瓜,闔上。濃郁海怪三明治就完成了!

Anna’s Recipe

100g of Avocado = 2g of protein

Cured carrots batched in advance offer an easy to make sandwich. Carrots now present a new place in our daily diets, the all mighty sandwich food group.
This recipe serves 2 with bread


1 carrot
50ml soy sauce
2T olive oil
1T sweet smoked paprika
1T Lemon juice
1T agave
1 sheet of nori
1T dry dill
2 slices of bread of choice
2T choice of cream cheese
Few slices of cucumber
2T mashed avocado


1. Slice the carrot into 1mm pieces, then boil into 1L of water with 50ml of soya sauce for 15-20 minutes until the carrot slices are tender.
2. Mix the rest of the ingredients and set them aside.
3. Drain the carrots and set aside until cool, then marinate the carrots with the mixture.
4. Toast 2~4 slices of bread.
5. Mash avocado and set aside.
6. Take your cream cheese of choice (we love cashews), spread that vegan goodness along with the avocado onto each slice of bread. Layer your smokey carrots and cucumbers as your playful heart desires, then close that sammich up.

【客座主廚 Anna Baum (Hanseasian)】
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Rendezvous 紅房餐酒館
