甜菜馬鈴薯沙拉 Roasted Red Beet & Potato Salad
Jul 05, 2022

甜菜馬鈴薯沙拉 Roasted Red Beet & Potato Salad


For the non-believer, the never beeter, those who fear the juicy vegetable for all the right reasons, this here is the true way to convert the unconvertable. This recipe offers a perfectly toned down beetroot taste, while still satiating the beet lover’s interests. Offering high fiber, and positive gut bacteria, this snack friendly salad is a creamy and refreshing delight.

紅房餐酒館私房食譜 (製作約兩人份沙拉)



甜菜根 250g
馬鈴薯 250g
小黃瓜 50g
醃黃瓜 30g
純素美乃滋 100g
楓糖 1大匙
乾燥蒔蘿 1小匙
黑胡椒 1/2小匙


1. 將馬鈴薯及甜菜根削皮,切成小塊狀,放在烤盤中
2. 撒上些許橄欖油,一小撮鹽及黑胡椒,之後用鋁箔紙覆蓋烤盤
3. 放進烤箱中加熱20-30分鐘,烤到柔軟後靜置冷卻
4. 將小黃瓜、醃黃瓜切成小塊狀
5. 準備好沙拉碗,放入醃黃瓜水、純素美乃滋、楓糖、黃芥末、乾燥蒔蘿攪拌均勻
6. 逐一加入小黃瓜丁、醃黃瓜丁及烤熟的甜菜根、馬鈴薯
7. 攪拌均勻後,就可以大快朵頤了!

Red Room Rendezvous Recipe

This salad is extremely compatible with the Kreamy Kraken sandwich, as well as other wraps and burgers. Best served at room temperature.


250g beetroot
250g potato
50g cucumber
30g pickled cucumber
20g brine of pickles
100g vegan mayo
1T maple syrup
1t yellow mustard
1t dry dill
1/2t black pepper


1. Peel beets and potatoes, cut into small cubes, and place them into a tray.
2. Drizzle some olive oil, add a pinch of salt and pepper, then cover the tray with foil.
3. Roast’em in the oven for 20-30 mins until tender.
4. Cut cucumber and pickles into small cubes, then set aside.
5. Mix the brine of pickles, vegan mayo, maple syrup and the rest of the seasoning in a big salad bowl, then gradually add the 6. cucumber and pickle cubes into the mix, and stir.
7. After the roasted beets and potatoes have cooled down completely, add them into the salad bowl and mix well.
8. You are ready to nibble and munch on the ultimate beetroot snack.

Rendezvous 紅房餐酒館
